In the construction of the third airport in Istanbul, a 'celebration' was held on the anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul with 1453 trucks. Within the scope of the strange 'event' in question, it was learned that 1453 trucks traveled 3.2 km without stopping, and that the trucks traveling at a constant speed made a Guinness record attempt in the "Longest Truck Pass" category. Nation-building can be defined as projects that radically forget the past and act on the principle of turning to the future. But it inevitably includes the act of remembering. The memory of the Ottoman Empire, which the Republican project tried to obliterate and neutralize, becomes the subject and concern of brutal collective revival as the idea of "Neo-Ottomanism" in the current ruling period at the beginning of the 21st century.
“1453”, 2019, Textile, Digital print, Structural iron, 155x108 cm